Global Organic Tourism AcTioN PlaN / the Beach Culture WorldTour

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 Maui, Hawaii.

I am staying at Josh and Amy Stone's house on the North Shore of Maui. They are my family. We used to do the Professional Windsurfing Association Tour together, and we are continuing our amazing relationship of FUN as watermen. His slogan at home is "Work & Play the Maui Way."

 Josh is Hawaiian, the ‘Aloha Man’, spreading happiness and love along with being an incredibly successful businessman. Every time I visit the family, he introduces me to a new business venture of his.

I remember Josh showing me this project with his company, Big Wave Realstate, while we were walking through a field. He told me where he was going to build his new home. Now, I am in his pool looking up at Haleakala Mountain, scanning the Lao Valley and the city of Kahului, with a panoramic view of the north shore coastline.

Many years ago, I was attending a Wednesday night range party at Casanovas. Now Josh owns this Italian restaurant nestled upcountry in the town of Makawao with a community vibe. A place where locals celebrate family, community, and life while having some of the best Italian food I’ve ever tasted. The brain smiles and life sings.

 During my last dinner with Josh and Amy at Casanovas, there was a huge group of locals celebrating a birthday party. Josh quietly calls their waiter over and tells her he would like to pay for their meal. Moments like this amplified Josh's spirit. He contributes positively to the community and gives altruistically.

I reminisce on my many visits. I remember after many sessions of surfing Hookipa, we would go to one of Josh's restaurants in Paia, Flatbread. The energy of Paia is a blend of small-town shops and restaurants with an amalgam of hippies and travellers.

Josh has managed to transition from professional waterman to businessman seamlessly. This is one of the most difficult things to do as a professional athlete. Despite his devotion to his business ventures, he is still extremely competitive on the water and loves ACTioN. We are competing at the Windsurfing Aloha Classic in the Master Division. Josh tells me, "If you beat me, you can have my house." And laughs at me. This is how the Island Boyz Adventure started and continued with the Beach Culture World Tour slogan, "Who has the most FUN wins." We had an amazing time on the windsurfing tour. Now we are laughing and competing at the Aloha Classic. I got to the finals first, and Josh was stressed out as he still had to make his semi-final heat to reach the finals. I was laughing at him, egging him on about losing his house.

Josh’s competitive spirit and talent prevail, and he battles through the semi-finals and ultimately wins the finals. I slipped down to 4th place. He had the last laugh. Josh is the ultimate world champion. This was the attitude and sense of humour we brought to professional sports in the 1990s -2000s. Along with making a lot money and generating a lot of coverage on the Island Boyz Adventure; the Irie Man Vs. the Aloha Man. Josh retired and I transformed the event into the BCWT Championship which embodied the spirit of action water sports, entertaining the media, spectators and fans.

Offering something back to the community is another key component. Giving from the heart is living. Receiving is a blessing. 'Taking' breaks the magic and harmony.

As the Aloha Classic was collaborating with the BCWT, Francisco Goya was crowned Beach Culture World Tour, Champion of Champions for his amazing presence at the event. He competed in the Masters and works hard to change AcTioNWater Sports in a positive way. This is the Beach Culture World Tour. A lifestyle tour; promoting giving back to the local communities, environment and culture. Next stop is deAcTioNIsland, Barbados.

December 2022: The home of the BCWT is deAcTioN Island.

Home of the Beach Culture World Tour is deAcTioN Island, my home.

It’s early December. My friend, British photographer Alex Williams, is coming to Barbados with his family to continue this adventure with me on the Beach Culture World Tour. I started collaborating with Alex Williams in 1996, doing my first travel story in Barbados and the beginning of my Beach Culture World Tour. We’ve had so much fun exploring the many Caribbean islands together. Each island has a unique cultural significance and a unique lifestyle that’s woven into the people.

Life is singing. Alex is back in Barbados. It has one of the best beach cultures in the world because on any given day, you can do something in the water. If it’s with your family learning to surf at Freights or if you wish to charge some big waves, it’s Bathsheba. Additionally, there are great conditions for kiteboarding and windsurfing on SilverRock Beach, along with places to go eat and enjoy the festivities at places such as OistinsFish Fry, Chicken Rita’s and Worthing Court, which has a diverse selection of food trucks. There is always AcTioN!

Alex is staying at deAcTioN Beach House in Long Beach, which I designed to reflect Bajan Beach Culture with the varying bright colours and words. I also have my deAcTioNBeach Apartments on Silver Rock Beach, which is located on the best windsurfing, kiteboarding and winging spots in Barbados. I’ve painted my apartments and shop, along with the surrounding neighbourhood, with beach culture symbol art. The shipwreck fishing boat, next to my shop I’ve re-erected and created a museum depicting my career and heritage. On another fishing boat adjacent to my shop, I painted beach culture art and words that reflect the history and heritage of Silver Sands, from the old fishing days to an action-packed water sport destination.

We are driving to Bathsheba; it’s my favourite car ride on deAcTioN Island, breezing through patches of cane fields and small clusters of houses. Thirty minutes into the drive, the atmosphere changes as we descend the steep hill to Bathsheba. I see lush greenery, large breadfruit, coconut and banana trees sprinkled along the road as we twist deeper into the country. A window to the sea appears.

At the bottom of the hill, we round the corner, and the sun is coming up and reflecting everything. The first break we see is Soup Bowel; it’s perfect and big. Everything has a yellow tint and is sparkling. We go over the hill to another break called Parlours. It’s perfect for paddleboarding, and there is no one out.

I see local ripper and lifeguard Buju, overlooking all this AcTioN! He teases me, "AcTioN man, you better be careful, because I am not coming for you if you get into trouble." I smile and nod with respect. Knowing if anything does happen, I'd be in safe hands.

A huge part of the Organic Tourism AcTioN Plan is to collaborate with locals such as Buju, who has inspired so many kids in the Bathsheba community to pursue surfing. I sponsored building materials to help start up his surf school and donated surfboards to the children to jumpstart progress, along with collaborating with his event, "Bathsheba Groms Surf Event, promoting positive community development. This vision maintains a strong beach culture, as it’s important to see the youth of Bathsheba surfing.

It’s Friday and we are back at Bathsheba at sunrise. First, it’s Soup Bowl. The waves are huge and bubbling with white foam that resembled the whirl of a washing machine. The conditions did not seem ridable. We continue over the hill to the next surf break at Parlour, hoping the swell was holding & consistent. Unfortunately, to our dismay, it did not look much better.

We decide, to go out, nonetheless. I am crossing the road and I hear, “Rashole!”, this is a slang Bajan term. I swing around and it’s Kelly Slater chuckling. I ask him, What’s deAcTioN?” He tells me he is going out to Soup Bowl. He continues driving over the hill to Soup Bowl. He has flown into Barbados for this swell, as this Bajan spot is one of his favourite surf breaks in the world.

Alex & I decide Parlour isn’t happening and start our trek back to Soup Bowl to see if there are any possibilities. Once there, we see this man, dropping in steep and then driving deep into a tube, It is none other than Kelly Slater dominating the ocean.

It was a little difficult at first. My first wave was a set, so I dug my paddle in and pulled. My board slides down the wave. I crunch and the bottom of the wave drops out. My hands are stretched, and my board accelerates. This is a heavy drop, and I am trying everything to survive it. Then I feel the nose of the board digging into the water and I struggle to pull it up, but nothing works. I need to eject. I see the lip jacking up over me and I dive. The waves pounds and dragging me into the reef, which penetrates my skin and tears my baggies.

"The Fish: Mahi Mahi: I love the sea; it washes me free. I see. Energising me to fly!!!’

This energised me and got me into deAcTioN. I start searching for my paddle in the bubbling water. Eventually, I see it floating towards the shore. I fetch it and calibrate. I am back in deAcTioN. I love the big waves, as the energy is charged and alive.

The Turtle: Eye to EyE, I to I: "No human has to humble down because of religion, talent, class, race, sexuality, or nationality. We speak eye to eye!"

Kelly knows the break well and always seems to position himself for the best waves. I am searching for my waves. For my next one, I understand what needs to be done to survive the drops; I deliberately bend my knees more, and my hands are stabilising me. I drive my bottom turn with more confidence and look where I wish to go. What a rush! There is only one thing to do: line up for the tube. Wow. It was AcTioN! AcTioN! & More AcTioN! This is where I want to go.

The Flying Fish: "Energised by the sea. I am flying high in the sky with the birds and spirits of the sky until I have to return to the sea to see again."

Back on the South Coast, the conditions start to change to what is normally happening during this time period from November through July, with consistent waves for waveriding: surfing, SUPing, foiling, windsurfing, and kiteboarding. The best thing about deAcTioN island, is that it’s only a forty-minute drive to the furthest surf breaks around the island.

We are in my neighbourhood, called Atlantic Shores / Enterprise where I grew up as a youth and learned to surf. There are two of the best surf breaks on the South Coast: South Point and Freights. Back in the day, we were called the South Point rebels because we surfed all day and our hair was sun-bleached and long. I never conformed, and now this beach culture lifestyle is mainstream. The neighbourhood has transformed from a group of local surfers to an upmarket neighbourhood with villas and houses.

Freights is the best place to learn to surf or learn how to ride waves on your SUP on deAcTioN Island. It’s a spectator bay, with a bright turquoise sea and perfect waves peeling through. Turtles bobbing all around you add to the atmosphere, with deluxe villas and houses perched along the cliff. Vegetation drapes in between. The bay is protected; there is neither wind nor current, creating the perfect conditions.

We are SUP foiling; Alex is lining up with me and photographing. It's lovely as I curve around him, taking in everything. My children are scattered throughout the break. It’s safe and perfect for beginner surfers. This environment allows for a carefree and enjoyable evening.

About five hundred yards upwind is South Point, a predominately left-handed beach. It’s more open to the wind and swells, gets bigger and is better for intermediate and advanced surfers and SUPers alike.

Once we arrive, we bump into the new crew of kid surfers: Arron, Jaden, Tryeel and Quan They are passionate about their newfound Bajan Beach Culture.

I recruited this crew of kids from the surrounding community of Carter's Gap. They are an integral part of the Global Organic Tourism AcTioN Plan, teaching and mentoring these kids to surf, SUP, foil, windsurf, and kiteboard. They also have consistent access to the equipment of deAction Shop. It is inspiring to watch a new generation of determined kids embrace this lifestyle.

Back at my shop, I continue to articulate and practise the Organic Tourism AcTioN Plan by promoting and partnering with local businesses. The goal is to create healthy minds as well as a prosperous and safe community. Additionally, it is important to collaborate with international organisations in a way that is equally beneficial for individual parties.

The goal is to empower people in the community. I practise this concept at my shop, grill, and apartments by buying perishables from the community business M & R Fruit & Vegatables, getting supplies from Bufffy’s Mini-Market, getting fish from Oistins Fish Market and working closely with enterprises such as Catman, who built and does the maintenance at my apartments.

This concept has been in development since 1989. It has spread through the SilverRock area and to Bathsheba and Enterprise, helping people from all walks of life and businesses. I extended it globally by inspiring events and destinations that sustain the culture and contribute to the tourism community without hindering local citizens. The goal is not culture erasure, as the customs and values of a country are necessary reflections for growth. Hawaii is a clear example of how this displacement can affect local communities.

My daughter, Starlite, participated in this part of the movement by painting portraits of different personalities from the old South Point surf community. She decorated my old North Shore boards with my face on the bottom. Fran Goya gave me a board, and I painted my symbols all over it. Then Hotsails created a sail with the art. I am the representative of AcTioN Water Sports and all brands, especially Naish International, which has sponsored the Global Organic Tourism AcTioN Plan for over 20 years, providing it with equipment and support.

Roger Millar and I organised the Beach Culture World Tour Games at SilverRock, DeAcTioN Beach, with competitions in beach hockey, football, volleyball, dominos, kiteboarding, surfing, SUPing and foiling. This vision is brought to life with the help of the local coordinator, Justin Catlin. It is a beach culture festival showcasing Bajan talent. It is about enriching the cause.

I love kiteboarding or windsurfing or wingfoiling off of SilverRock Beach, as you can ride the waves on the inner reef, then blast to the outer reef. where the waves are much bigger. This reef extends about a mile downwind, it’s playground of AcTioN!

Long Beach is another location for predominately the kiteboarding form. The beach is long which make it also good for teaching to kiteboard. It is about a mile upwind from Silver RockBeach. It’s slightly more onshore, but the waves are more powerful. Although I love the southern section of the beach because the waves peels of rocky point. But be careful any mistake and you can loose your kite……some time too much AcTioN!!! But there is always AcTioN……

Yeah man, a few years ago, I was invited to the Naish dealers meeting in Tarifa. Robby Naish was introducing his first wingsurfers. He was guiding across the sea & riding all these waves with such easy.” I want to try this new sport”. Naish gave me a compete set and I returned to Barbados to introduce this new component to AcTioN water Sporst.

deAcTioN Island is perfect for wingsurfing and I was able to rediscover the island again. Directly in front deAcTioN Beach Shop, SilverRock is perfect play ground. As you can stay in the lagoon area before your good enough to master the outer reef. Then on the outer reef is amazing, as the wave aren’t too steep and get rides for almost a mile down wind if you wish.

If you don’t wish to tackle the shore break while learn, there is another beach about 3 miles down wind called Welches. This locate is extremely flat and sand beaches. As I said, there is always AcTioN!!!

Master of the Ocean

The Beach Culture World Tour collaborates with different events and destinations, such as Master of the Ocean in the DR. This event is amazing and I’ve been promoting and consulting on it for many years. This event features competitors in windsurfing, kiteboarding, surfing, wingfoiling and stand-up paddling to see who is the Master of the Ocean. As part of my Global Organic Tourism AcTioN Plan, I want to inspire event organisers to involve the community and consider environmental components for their events. The organiser, Marcus Bolm, has created his community project, "Happy Dolphins," which teaches people to swim and become qualified lifeguards. I am so happy to see his vision become a reality.

The Dominican Republic is much bigger than deAcTioN Island but has similar conditions. We crowned Swiss waterman Bulz Muller BCWT World Champion and 'We Love Kiteboarding' the BCWT World Champion Team. The team We Love Kiteboarding is a community project that trains and mentors kids from Cabarete to kiteboard and offers free equipment to the involved kids. While Bulz is an entertainer on and off the water, he also gives so much from his heart to energise action sports and humanity.

After collaborating with Master of the Ocean with the BCWT Carnival and the crowning of BCWT Champions, along with painting many plaques with beach culture art, I was exhausted. Despite my fatigue, the positive energy radiated throughout the venue, and I felt like I had done my job with my relationship with Master of the Ocean. Along with executing the Global Organic Tourism AcTioN Plan, I was enjoying competing in Master of the Ocean. The last day of competition we were blessed with perfect waves and I dominated in the conditions and I was crowned Master of the Ocean, world champion of wind & waves.

This was the biggest win of my career, as all the components of my efforts had come together after over 30 years of competing and developing the Global Organic Tourism AcTioN Plan. In the last few years, I gave away over $50,000.00 with things like boats, trucks, action sports equipment, and building materials, travelling the world to spread the vision and simultaneously competing. The Master of the Ocean experience incapsulated the whole concept of total success on and off the water.

I remember coming to Cabarete in 1990 as a part of the PBA Windsurfing World Cup and there were only a few hotels and a local bars and grills across the street. By 1999, windsurfing was booming, and Cabarete was developing steadily with more infrastructure and restaurants. I returned for the kiteboarding revolution and Cabarete exploded to another level. This place has expanded to cater to all water sports. There is still so much room for development in Cabarete. While deAcTioN Island has fewer possibilities for such opportunities in comparison. This is why sustainable development is so important to maintain and guide future developments. This is mandatory for the Global Organic Tourism AcTioN Plan.

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